Doç.Dr. M. Reza NOFAR

Telefon: 90-212-285-7339
Faks: 90-212-285-3427
Doç.Dr.: Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul Teknik niversitesi, (2020-...)
Yrd. Doç. Dr.: Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul Teknik niversitesi, (2015-2020)
Doktora Sonrası Çalışma: Kimya Mühendisliği, Montreal Teknik ve McGill Üniversitesi, Montreal, Kanada, (2013-2015)
Doktora (Ph.D.) : Toronto Üniversitesi, Makina Mühendisliği, Toronto, Kanada, (2009-2013)
Araştırma Görevlisi: Canada National Research Conceal (CNRC), Montreal (Boucherville), Kanada, (2008-2009)
Yüksek Lisans (M.Sc.) : Concordia Üniversitesi, Makina Mühendisliği, Montreal, Kanada, (2006-2008)
Lisans (B.Sc.) : Sharif Teknoloji Üniversitesi, Malzeme Bilimi ve Mühendisliği, Tahran, İran, (2001-2005)
İlgi Alanları:
Polymer Processing and Rheology, Biopolymers and Polylactide, Polymer Nanocomposites, Polymer Blends, Microfibrillated Composites, Microcellular Polymer Foams
Alınan Ödüller:
- International Polymer Processing Society Early Career Award (2020)
- 2017 Genç Bilim İnsanı Odülü - Bilim Kahramanları Derneği (2018)
- International Polymer Processing Society Young Researcher Travel Award (2017)
- Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2015)
- Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) (2012)
- NSERC- Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (2009)
- Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT) Doctoral Scholarship (2009)
- Best Paper Award at 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC)- Boston, MA, USA
- Campaign for a New Millennium Graduate Scholarship, Montreal, Canada (2007)
- James W. Burns Graduate Award, Montreal, Canada (2007)
Verdiği Dersler:
Undergraduate: Engineering Polymers (MET 439E), Fund. of Composites Materials (MET 442E), Materials Science (MAL 201E)
Graduate: Polymer Blends and Composites (PST 618E), Polymer Characterization (PST 530E)
- Kitap:
- Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “Polylactide Foams: Fundamentals, Manufacturing and Applications”, Elsevier, London, William Andrew, 2017, Hardcover ISBN: 9780128139912. © William Andrew 2018.
- Translated to Chinese by Wenli Zhu and published by Chemical Industry Press Co., Ltd., ISBN: 978-7-122-35623-9.
- Kitap Kısımları:
- Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “Chapter 5 - Heterogeneous Cell Nucleation Mechanisms in Polylactide Foaming”, in: Biofoams: Science and Applications of Bio-Based Cellular and Porous Materials, Iannace, S., and Park, C.B., Editors, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 153-177, October 2015 (ISBN-13: 978-1-4665-6180-9).
- Nofar, M., Tabatabaei, A, Park, C.B., “Chapter 6 - Innovative PLA Bead Foam Technology”, in: Polymeric Foams: Innovations in Processes, Technologies, and Products, Lee, S.T., Editor, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 147-191, October 2016 (ISBN-13: 978-1-4987-3887-3).
- Arslan D., Vatansever, E., Nofar, M. “Chapter 10- Nanocellulose PLA based composite films for packaging applications”, in: Biobased Packaging – Material, Environmental and Economic aspects, Sapuan S.M., Ilyas R.A. Editors. Wiley, in press.
- Patent
- Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “A method for the preparation of PLA bead foams”, Int. Appl. No.: PCT/NL2013/050231, WO 2014158014 A1 (US 20160039990 A1, US10087300B2), Publication Date: October 2014.
- Demirtas, E., Ozkan, H., Nofar, M., “Plastic foamed structures for the structure of the white goods”, under internal review.
- Nofar, M., “Self reinforced PLA-PLA innovative high performance polylactide”, under internal review.
- Hakemli Dergilerdeki Yayınları
- Azimi, H., Jahani, D., Nofar, M., “Experimental and numerical analyses of n-pentane solubility and diffusivity in polystyrene/poly(methyl methacrylate) blends”, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, doi: 10.1021/acs.jced.0c00444
- Vatansever, E., Arslan D., Sarul, D.S., Kahraman, Y., Durmus, A., Gunes, G., Nofar, M., "Development of CNC reinforced PBAT nanocomposites with reduced percolation threshold: A comparative study on the preparation method", Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55(32), 15523-15537
- Salehiyan, R., Nofar, M., Kuruma, M., Ray, S.S., Ojijo, V., “Morphological and rheological characterization of nanoparticles-containing polylactide/poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) blend composites: Influence of nanoparticle characteristics and their selective localization”, Polymer Engineering and Science, doi:10.1002/pen.25505
- Jalali, A., Hyun, J., Zolali, A., Soltani, I., Nofar, M., Behzadfar, E., Park, C.B., “Peculiar Crystallization and Viscoelastic Properties of Polylactide/Polytetrafluoroethylene Composites Induced by In-situ Formed 3D Nanofiber Network”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2020, 200, 108361
- Bati, B. Kucuk, E.B., Durmus, A., Nofar, M., “Microcellular foaming behavior of ether- and ester-based TPUs blown with supercritical CO2”, Journal of Polymer Engineering, 2020, 44 (7), 561-571
- Ghanbari, A., Jalili, N.S., Haddadi, S.A., Arjmand, M., Nofar, M., “Mechanical Properties of Extruded Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyolefin Composites”, Polymer Composites,
- Arslan D., Vatansever, E., Sarul, D.S., Kahraman, Y., Gunes, G., Durmus, A., Nofar, M., "Effect of preparation method on the properties of polylactide/cellulose nanocrystal nanocomposites", Polymer Composites,
- Nofar, M., Mohammadi, M., Carreau, P.J., “Effect of TPU hard segment content on the rheological and mechanical properties of PLA/TPU blends”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020, 137(45), 49387
- Salehiyan, R., Nofar, M., Makwakwa, D., Ray, S.S., Ojijo, V., “Shear-Induced Carbon Nanotube Localization and Morphological Development in Polylactide/Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Blend Nanocomposites, and Their Impact on Dielectric Constants and Rheological Properties”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C, 2020, 124, 9536-9547
- Kelnar, I., Bal, U., Ujčič, A., Kaprálková, L., Krejčíková, S., Steinhart, M., Nofar, M., “Creep behavior of HDPE/PA66 microfibrillar composite modified by graphite nanoplatelets”, Journal of Polymer Research, 2020, 27, 113
- Vatansever, E., Arslan D., Sarul, D.S., Kahraman, Y., Nofar, M., "The effect of molecular weight and crystallizability of PLA on the CNC dispersion quality in PLA/CNC nanocomposites", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 154, 276-290
- Nofar, M., Bati, B., Kucuk, E.B., Jalali, A., “Effect of soft segment molecular weight on the microcellular foaming behavior of TPU using supercritical CO2”, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2020, 160, 104816-104827
- Nofar, M., Salehiyan, R., Ciftci, U., Jalali, A., “Ductility improvements of PLA-based binary and ternary blends with controlled morphology using PBAT, PBSA, and nanoclay”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2020, 182, 107661
- Nofar, M., Kucuk, E.B., Bati, B. “Effect of hard segment content on the microcellular foaming behavior of TPU using supercritical CO2”, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2019, 153, 104590-104607
- Jalali, A., Huneault, M., Nofar, M., Lee, P., Park, C.B., “Effect of Branching on Flow-induced Crystallization of Poly (lactic acid)”, European Polymer Journal, 2019, 119, 410-420
- Salehiyan, R., Nofar, M., Ray, S.S., Ojijo, V., “Kinetically Controlled Migration of Carbon Nanotubes in Polylactide/Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Blend Nanocomposites and Its Influence on the Electromagnetic Interference Shielding, Electrical Conductivity, and Rheological Properties”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C, 2019, 123 (31), 19195-19207
- Nofar, M., Ozgen, E., Girginer, B., “Injection-Molded PP Composites Reinforced with Talc and Nanoclay for Automotive Applications”, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2019, 33 (11), 1478-1498
- Nofar, M., Salehiyan, R., Ray, S.S., “Rheology of Poly (lactic acid)-based Systems”, Polymer Reviews, 2019, 59 (3), 465-509. (Review Article)
- Vatansever, E., Arslan, D., Nofar, M., “Polylactide Cellulose-based Nanocomposites”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 137, 912-938. (Review Article)
- Nofar, M., Oguz, H., “Development of PBT/recycled-PET blends and the influence of using chain extender”, Journal of Polymer and the Environment, 2019, 27 (7), 1404–1417
- Kelnar, I., Bal, U., Zhigunov, A., Kaprálková, L., Fortelný, I., Krejčíková, S., Kredatusová, J., Dybal, J., Janata, M., Nofar, M., “Nano-modified HDPE/PA6 microfibrillar composites: effect of aminated graphite platelets coupling”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019, 136 (24), 47660.
- Nofar, M., Oguz, H., Ovali, D., “Effects of matrix crystallinity, dispersed phase and processing type on morphological, thermal, and mechanical properties of PLA-based binary blends with PBAT and PBSA”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019, 136 (23), 47636.
- Nofar, M., Sacligil, D., Carreau, P.J., Heuzey, M-C., Kamal, M.R., “Poly (lactic acid) Blends: Processing, Properties and Applications”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 125, 307-360. (Review Article)
- Nofar, M., “Rheological, Thermal, and Foaming Behaviors of Different Polylactide Grades”, International Journal of Material Science and Research, 2018, 1(1), 16-22.
- Demirtas, E., Ozkan, H., Nofar, M., “Extrusion Foaming of High Impact Polystyrene: Effects of Processing Parameters and Materials Composition”, International Journal of Material Science and Research, 2018, 1(1), 9-15.
- Nofar, M., “Synergistic effects of chain extender and nanoclay on the crystallization behavior of polylactide”, International Journal of Material Science and Research, 2018, 1(1), 1-8.
- Nofar, M., Tabatabaei A., Sojoudi, H., Park, C.B., Carreau, P.J., Heuzey, M-C., Kamal, M.R., “Mechanical and bead foaming behavior of PLA-PBAT and PLA-PBSA blends with different morphologies”, European Polymer Journal, 2017, 90, 231-244
- Ramezani Kakroodi, A., Kazemi, Y., Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “Tailoring poly (lactic acid) for packaging applications via the production of fully bio-based in situ microfibrillar composite films”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 308, 772-782
- Nofar, M., Heuzey, M-C., Carreau, P.J., Kamal, M.R., “Effects of Nanoclay and its Localization on the Morphology Stabilization of PLA/PBAT Blends under Shear Flow”, Polymer, 2016, 98, 353–364
- Nofar, M., Heuzey, M-C., Carreau, P.J., Kamal, M.R., Randall, J., “Coalescence in PLA-PBAT blends under shear flow: effects of blend preparation and PLA molecular weight”, Journal of Rheology, 2016, 60 (4), 637-648
- Nofar, M., “Effects of nano-/micro-sized additives and the corresponding induced crystallinity on the extrusion foaming behavior of PLA using supercritical CO2”, Materials & Design, 2016, 101, 24-34.
- Ngo, T.-D., Nofar, M., Ton-That, M.-T., Hu, W., “Flax and Its Thermoplastic Biocomposites”, Journal of Composite Materials, 2016, 50 (22), 3043-3051.
- Nofar, M., Ameli, A., Park, C.B., “A Novel Technology to Manufacture Biodegradable Polylactide Bead Foam Products”, Materials & Design, 2015, 83, 413-421.
- Nofar, M., Ameli, A., Park, C.B., “Development of Polylactide Bead Foams with Double Crystal Melting Peaks”, Polymer, 2015, 69, 83-94.
- Nofar, M., Maani, A., Sojoudi, H., Heuzey, M-C., Carreau, P.J., “Interfacial and Rheological Properties of PLA/PBAT and PLA/PBSA blends and their Morphological Stability under Shear Flow”, Journal of Rheology, 2015, 59 (2), 317-333
- Ameli, A., Nofar, M., Jahani, D., Park, C.B., “Development of High Void Fraction Polylactide Composite Foams Using Injection Molding: Crystallization and Foaming Behaviors”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 262, 78-87
- Ameli, A., Nofar, M., Wang, S., Park, C.B., “Lightweight Polypropylene/Stainless-Steel Fiber Composite Foams with Low Percolation for Efficient Electromagnetic Interference Shielding”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 11091−11100
- Keshtkar, M., Nofar, M., Park, C.B., Carreau, P.J., “Extruded PLA/Clay Nanocomposite Foams Blown with Supercritical CO2" Polymer, 2014, 55 (16), 4077-4090
- Nofar, M., Ameli, A., Park, C.B., “The Thermal Behavior of Polylactide with Different D-lactide Content in the Presence of Dissolved CO2”, Macromolecular Materials & Engineering, 2014, 299 (10), 1232–1239
- Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “Poly (lactic acid) Foaming”, Progress in Polymer Science, 2014, 39 (10), 1721-1741. (Review Article)
- Ameli, A., Nofar, M., Park, C.B., Pötschke, P., Rizvi, G., “Polypropylene/carbon nanotube nano/microcellular structures with high dielectric permittivity, low dielectric loss, and low percolation threshold”, Carbon, 2014, 71, 206-217
- Hossieny, N., Barzegari, M.R., Nofar, M., Mahmood, S.H., Park, C.B., "Crystallization of Hard Segment Domains with the Presence of Butane for Microcellular Thermoplastic Polyurethane Foams ", Polymer, 2014, 55 (2), 651-662
- Tabatabaei, A, Barzegari, M.R., Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “In-Situ Visualization of Polypropylene Crystallization during Extrusion”, Polymer Testing, 2014, 33, 57-63
- Ameli, A., Jahani, D., Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “Development of High Void Fraction Polylactide Composite Foams using Injection Molding: Mechanical and Thermal Insulation Properties”, Composite Science and Technology, 2014, 90, 88-95
- Nofar, M., Tabatabaei A., Ameli, A., Park, C.B., “Comparison of Melting and Crystallization Behaviors of Polylactide under High-Pressure CO2, N2, and He”, Polymer, 2013, 54 (23), 6471-6478
- Nofar, M., Tabatabaei, A, Park, C.B., “Effect of Nano-/Micro-Sized Additives on the Crystallization Behaviors of PLA and PLA/CO2 Mixtures” Polymer, 2013, 54 (9), 2382–2391
- Nofar, M., Guo, Y., Park, C.B., "Double Crystal Melting Peak Generation for Expanded Polypropylene Bead Foam Manufacturing", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52 (6), 2297–2303
- Ameli, A., Jahani, D., Nofar, M., Jung, P.U. Park, C.B., " Processing and Characterization of Solid and Foamed Injection-Molded Polylactide with Talc", Journal of Cellular Plastics, 2013, 49 (4), 351-374
- Nofar, M., Zhu, W, Park, C.B., “Effect of Dissolved CO2 on the Crystallization Behavior of Linear and Branched PLA”, Polymer, 2012, 53 (15), 3341–3353
- Nofar, M., Majithiya, K., Kuboki, T., Park, C.B., "The Foamability of Low-Melt-Strength Linear polypropylene with Nanoclay and Coupling Agent", Journal of Cellular Plastics, 2012, 48, 271–287
- Nofar, M., Zhu, W., Park, C.B., Randall, J., "Crystallization Kinetics of Linear and Long-Chain-Branched Polylactide", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50 (24), 13789–13798
- Nofar, M., Hoa, S.V., Pugh, M.D., “Failure Detection and Monitoring in Polymer Matrix Composites Subjected to Static and Dynamic Loads Using Carbon Nanotube Networks”, Composites Science and Technology, 2009, 69 (10), 1599-1606
- Nofar, M., Madaah Hosseini, H.R., Kolagar N., “Fabrication of High Wear Resistance Al/Al3Ti Metal Matrix Composite by in Situ Hot Press Method”, Materials & Design, 2009, 30 (2), 280-286
- Abbasi Chiane, V., Madaah Hosseini, H.R., Nofar, M., “Micro Structural Features and Mechanical Properties of Al-Al3Ti Composite Fabricated by in-Situ Powder Metallurgy Route”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 473 (1&2), 127-132
- Nofar, M., Madaah Hosseini, H.R., Shivayee, H.A., “The Dependency of Optical Properties on Density for Hot Pressed MgF2”, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2008, 51 (6), 546-549
Editör Aktiviteleri:
- Dergi Editörlükleri
- Journal of Renewable Materials
- Journal of Cellular Plastics
- International Journal of Material Science and Research
- Değerlendirme Editörlüğü
- Experimental Results Journal
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