Doç.Dr. M. Reza NOFAR

M.Reza Nofar



Doç.Dr.: Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul Teknik niversitesi, (2020-...)
Yrd. Doç. Dr.: Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul Teknik niversitesi, (2015-2020)
Doktora Sonrası Çalışma: Kimya Mühendisliği, Montreal Teknik ve McGill Üniversitesi, Montreal, Kanada, (2013-2015)
Doktora (Ph.D.) : 
Toronto Üniversitesi, Makina Mühendisliği, Toronto, Kanada, (2009-2013)
Araştırma Görevlisi: Canada National Research Conceal (CNRC), Montreal (Boucherville), Kanada, (2008-2009)
Yüksek Lisans (M.Sc.) :  Concordia Üniversitesi, Makina Mühendisliği, Montreal, Kanada, (2006-2008)
Lisans (B.Sc.) : Sharif Teknoloji Üniversitesi, Malzeme Bilimi ve Mühendisliği, Tahran, İran, (2001-2005)

İlgi Alanları:

Polymer Processing and Rheology, Biopolymers and Polylactide, Polymer Nanocomposites, Polymer Blends, Microfibrillated Composites, Microcellular Polymer Foams


Alınan Ödüller: 

- International Polymer Processing Society Early Career Award (2020)
- 2017 Genç Bilim İnsanı Odülü - Bilim Kahramanları Derneği (2018)
- International Polymer Processing Society Young Researcher Travel Award (2017)
-  Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2015)
- Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) (2012)
- NSERC- Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (2009)
- Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT) Doctoral Scholarship (2009)
- Best Paper Award at 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC)- Boston, MA, USA
- Campaign for a New Millennium Graduate Scholarship, Montreal, Canada (2007)
- James W. Burns Graduate Award, Montreal, Canada (2007)


Verdiği Dersler:

Undergraduate: Engineering Polymers (MET 439E), Fund. of Composites Materials (MET 442E), Materials Science (MAL 201E)
Graduate: Polymer Blends and Composites (PST 618E), Polymer Characterization (PST 530E)



- Kitap:

  1. Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “Polylactide Foams: Fundamentals, Manufacturing and Applications”, Elsevier, London, William Andrew, 2017, Hardcover ISBN: 9780128139912. © William Andrew 2018.
    - Translated to Chinese by Wenli Zhu and published by Chemical Industry Press Co., Ltd., ISBN: 978-7-122-35623-9.

- Kitap Kısımları:

  1. Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “Chapter 5 - Heterogeneous Cell Nucleation Mechanisms in Polylactide Foaming”, in: Biofoams: Science and Applications of Bio-Based Cellular and Porous Materials, Iannace, S., and Park, C.B., Editors, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 153-177, October 2015 (ISBN-13: 978-1-4665-6180-9).
  2. Nofar, M., Tabatabaei, A, Park, C.B., “Chapter 6 - Innovative PLA Bead Foam Technology”, in: Polymeric Foams: Innovations in Processes, Technologies, and Products, Lee, S.T., Editor, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 147-191, October 2016 (ISBN-13: 978-1-4987-3887-3).
  3. Arslan D., Vatansever, E., Nofar, M. “Chapter 10- Nanocellulose PLA based composite films for packaging applications”, in: Biobased Packaging – Material, Environmental and Economic aspects, Sapuan S.M., Ilyas R.A. Editors. Wiley, in press.

- Patent

  1. Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “A method for the preparation of PLA bead foams”, Int. Appl. No.: PCT/NL2013/050231, WO 2014158014 A1 (US 20160039990 A1, US10087300B2), Publication Date: October 2014.
  2. Demirtas, E., Ozkan, H., Nofar, M., “Plastic foamed structures for the structure of the white goods”, under internal review.
  3. Nofar, M., “Self reinforced PLA-PLA innovative high performance polylactide”, under internal review.

- Hakemli Dergilerdeki Yayınları

  • (2020)
  1. Azimi, H., Jahani, D., Nofar, M., “Experimental and numerical analyses of n-pentane solubility and diffusivity in polystyrene/poly(methyl methacrylate) blends”, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, doi: 10.1021/acs.jced.0c00444
  2. Vatansever, E., Arslan D., Sarul, D.S., Kahraman, Y., Durmus, A., Gunes, G., Nofar, M., "Development of CNC reinforced PBAT nanocomposites with reduced percolation threshold: A comparative study on the preparation method", Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55(32), 15523-15537
  3. Salehiyan, R., Nofar, M., Kuruma, M., Ray, S.S., Ojijo, V., “Morphological and rheological characterization of nanoparticles-containing polylactide/poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) blend composites: Influence of nanoparticle characteristics and their selective localization”, Polymer Engineering and Science, doi:10.1002/pen.25505
  4. Jalali, A., Hyun, J., Zolali, A., Soltani, I., Nofar, M., Behzadfar, E., Park, C.B., “Peculiar Crystallization and Viscoelastic Properties of Polylactide/Polytetrafluoroethylene Composites Induced by In-situ Formed 3D Nanofiber Network”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2020, 200, 108361
  5. Bati, B. Kucuk, E.B., Durmus, A., Nofar, M., “Microcellular foaming behavior of ether- and ester-based TPUs blown with supercritical CO2”, Journal of Polymer Engineering, 2020, 44 (7), 561-571
  6. Ghanbari, A., Jalili, N.S., Haddadi, S.A., Arjmand, M., Nofar, M., “Mechanical Properties of Extruded Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyolefin Composites”, Polymer Composites,
  7. Arslan D., Vatansever, E., Sarul, D.S., Kahraman, Y., Gunes, G., Durmus, A., Nofar, M., "Effect of preparation method on the properties of polylactide/cellulose nanocrystal nanocomposites", Polymer Composites,
  8. Nofar, M., Mohammadi, M., Carreau, P.J., “Effect of TPU hard segment content on the rheological and mechanical properties of PLA/TPU blends”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020, 137(45), 49387
  9. Salehiyan, R., Nofar, M., Makwakwa, D., Ray, S.S., Ojijo, V., “Shear-Induced Carbon Nanotube Localization and Morphological Development in Polylactide/Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Blend Nanocomposites, and Their Impact on Dielectric Constants and Rheological Properties”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C, 2020, 124, 9536-9547
  10. Kelnar, I., Bal, U., Ujčič, A., Kaprálková, L., Krejčíková, S., Steinhart, M., Nofar, M., “Creep behavior of HDPE/PA66 microfibrillar composite modified by graphite nanoplatelets”, Journal of Polymer Research, 2020, 27, 113
  11. Vatansever, E., Arslan D., Sarul, D.S., Kahraman, Y., Nofar, M., "The effect of molecular weight and crystallizability of PLA on the CNC dispersion quality in PLA/CNC nanocomposites", International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 154, 276-290
  12. Nofar, M., Bati, B., Kucuk, E.B., Jalali, A., “Effect of soft segment molecular weight on the microcellular foaming behavior of TPU using supercritical CO2”, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2020, 160, 104816-104827
  13. Nofar, M., Salehiyan, R., Ciftci, U., Jalali, A., “Ductility improvements of PLA-based binary and ternary blends with controlled morphology using PBAT, PBSA, and nanoclay”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2020, 182, 107661
  • (2019)
  1. Nofar, M., Kucuk, E.B., Bati, B. “Effect of hard segment content on the microcellular foaming behavior of TPU using supercritical CO2”, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2019, 153, 104590-104607
  2. Jalali, A., Huneault, M., Nofar, M., Lee, P., Park, C.B., “Effect of Branching on Flow-induced Crystallization of Poly (lactic acid)”, European Polymer Journal, 2019, 119, 410-420
  3. Salehiyan, R., Nofar, M., Ray, S.S., Ojijo, V., “Kinetically Controlled Migration of Carbon Nanotubes in Polylactide/Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Blend Nanocomposites and Its Influence on the Electromagnetic Interference Shielding, Electrical Conductivity, and Rheological Properties”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C, 2019, 123 (31), 19195-19207
  4. Nofar, M., Ozgen, E., Girginer, B., “Injection-Molded PP Composites Reinforced with Talc and Nanoclay for Automotive Applications”, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2019, 33 (11), 1478-1498
  5. Nofar, M., Salehiyan, R., Ray, S.S., “Rheology of Poly (lactic acid)-based Systems”, Polymer Reviews, 2019, 59 (3), 465-509. (Review Article)
  6. Vatansever, E., Arslan, D., Nofar, M., “Polylactide Cellulose-based Nanocomposites”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 137, 912-938. (Review Article)
  7. Nofar, M., Oguz, H., “Development of PBT/recycled-PET blends and the influence of using chain extender”, Journal of Polymer and the Environment, 2019, 27 (7), 1404–1417
  8. Kelnar, I., Bal, U., Zhigunov, A., Kaprálková, L., Fortelný, I., Krejčíková, S., Kredatusová, J., Dybal, J., Janata, M., Nofar, M., “Nano-modified HDPE/PA6 microfibrillar composites: effect of aminated graphite platelets coupling”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019, 136 (24), 47660.
  9. Nofar, M., Oguz, H., Ovali, D., “Effects of matrix crystallinity, dispersed phase and processing type on morphological, thermal, and mechanical properties of PLA-based binary blends with PBAT and PBSA”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019, 136 (23), 47636.
  10. Nofar, M., Sacligil, D., Carreau, P.J., Heuzey, M-C., Kamal, M.R., “Poly (lactic acid) Blends: Processing, Properties and Applications”, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 125, 307-360. (Review Article)
  • (2018)
  1. Nofar, M., “Rheological, Thermal, and Foaming Behaviors of Different Polylactide Grades”, International Journal of Material Science and Research, 2018, 1(1), 16-22.
  2. Demirtas, E., Ozkan, H., Nofar, M., “Extrusion Foaming of High Impact Polystyrene: Effects of Processing Parameters and Materials Composition”, International Journal of Material Science and Research, 2018, 1(1), 9-15.
  3. Nofar, M., “Synergistic effects of chain extender and nanoclay on the crystallization behavior of polylactide”, International Journal of Material Science and Research, 2018, 1(1), 1-8.
  • (2017)
  1. Nofar, M., Tabatabaei A., Sojoudi, H., Park, C.B., Carreau, P.J., Heuzey, M-C., Kamal, M.R., “Mechanical and bead foaming behavior of PLA-PBAT and PLA-PBSA blends with different morphologies”, European Polymer Journal, 2017, 90, 231-244
  2. Ramezani Kakroodi, A., Kazemi, Y., Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “Tailoring poly (lactic acid) for packaging applications via the production of fully bio-based in situ microfibrillar composite films”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 308, 772-782
  • (2016)
  1. Nofar, M., Heuzey, M-C., Carreau, P.J., Kamal, M.R., “Effects of Nanoclay and its Localization on the Morphology Stabilization of PLA/PBAT Blends under Shear Flow”, Polymer, 2016, 98, 353–364
  2. Nofar, M., Heuzey, M-C., Carreau, P.J., Kamal, M.R., Randall, J., “Coalescence in PLA-PBAT blends under shear flow: effects of blend preparation and PLA molecular weight”, Journal of Rheology, 2016, 60 (4), 637-648
  3. Nofar, M., “Effects of nano-/micro-sized additives and the corresponding induced crystallinity on the extrusion foaming behavior of PLA using supercritical CO2”, Materials & Design, 2016, 101, 24-34.
  4. Ngo, T.-D., Nofar, M., Ton-That, M.-T., Hu, W., “Flax and Its Thermoplastic Biocomposites”, Journal of Composite Materials, 2016, 50 (22), 3043-3051.
  • (2015)
  1. Nofar, M., Ameli, A., Park, C.B., “A Novel Technology to Manufacture Biodegradable Polylactide Bead Foam Products”, Materials & Design, 2015, 83, 413-421.
  2. Nofar, M., Ameli, A., Park, C.B., “Development of Polylactide Bead Foams with Double Crystal Melting Peaks”, Polymer, 2015, 69, 83-94.
  3. Nofar, M., Maani, A., Sojoudi, H., Heuzey, M-C., Carreau, P.J., “Interfacial and Rheological Properties of PLA/PBAT and PLA/PBSA blends and their Morphological Stability under Shear Flow”, Journal of Rheology, 2015, 59 (2), 317-333
  4. Ameli, A., Nofar, M., Jahani, D., Park, C.B., “Development of High Void Fraction Polylactide Composite Foams Using Injection Molding: Crystallization and Foaming Behaviors”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 262, 78-87
  • (2014)
  1. Ameli, A., Nofar, M., Wang, S., Park, C.B., “Lightweight Polypropylene/Stainless-Steel Fiber Composite Foams with Low Percolation for Efficient Electromagnetic Interference Shielding”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 11091−11100
  2. Keshtkar, M., Nofar, M., Park, C.B., Carreau, P.J., “Extruded PLA/Clay Nanocomposite Foams Blown with Supercritical CO2" Polymer, 2014, 55 (16), 4077-4090
  3. Nofar, M., Ameli, A., Park, C.B., “The Thermal Behavior of Polylactide with Different D-lactide Content in the Presence of Dissolved CO2”, Macromolecular Materials & Engineering, 2014, 299 (10), 1232–1239
  4. Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “Poly (lactic acid) Foaming”, Progress in Polymer Science, 2014, 39 (10), 1721-1741. (Review Article)
  5. Ameli, A., Nofar, M., Park, C.B., Pötschke, P., Rizvi, G., “Polypropylene/carbon nanotube nano/microcellular structures with high dielectric permittivity, low dielectric loss, and low percolation threshold”, Carbon, 2014, 71, 206-217
  6. Hossieny, N., Barzegari, M.R., Nofar, M., Mahmood, S.H., Park, C.B., "Crystallization of Hard Segment Domains with the Presence of Butane for Microcellular Thermoplastic Polyurethane Foams ", Polymer, 2014, 55 (2), 651-662
  7. Tabatabaei, A, Barzegari, M.R., Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “In-Situ Visualization of Polypropylene Crystallization during Extrusion”, Polymer Testing, 2014, 33, 57-63
  8. Ameli, A., Jahani, D., Nofar, M., Park, C.B., “Development of High Void Fraction Polylactide Composite Foams using Injection Molding: Mechanical and Thermal Insulation Properties”, Composite Science and Technology, 2014, 90, 88-95
  • (2013)
  1. Nofar, M., Tabatabaei A., Ameli, A., Park, C.B., “Comparison of Melting and Crystallization Behaviors of Polylactide under High-Pressure CO2, N2, and He”, Polymer, 2013, 54 (23), 6471-6478
  2. Nofar, M., Tabatabaei, A, Park, C.B., “Effect of Nano-/Micro-Sized Additives on the Crystallization Behaviors of PLA and PLA/CO2 Mixtures” Polymer, 2013, 54 (9), 2382–2391
  3. Nofar, M., Guo, Y., Park, C.B., "Double Crystal Melting Peak Generation for Expanded Polypropylene Bead Foam Manufacturing", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52 (6), 2297–2303
  4. Ameli, A., Jahani, D., Nofar, M., Jung, P.U. Park, C.B., " Processing and Characterization of Solid and Foamed Injection-Molded Polylactide with Talc", Journal of Cellular Plastics, 2013, 49 (4), 351-374
  • (2012)
  1. Nofar, M., Zhu, W, Park, C.B., “Effect of Dissolved CO2 on the Crystallization Behavior of Linear and Branched PLA”, Polymer, 2012, 53 (15), 3341–3353
  2. Nofar, M., Majithiya, K., Kuboki, T., Park, C.B., "The Foamability of Low-Melt-Strength Linear polypropylene with Nanoclay and Coupling Agent", Journal of Cellular Plastics, 2012, 48, 271–287
  • (2011)
  1. Nofar, M., Zhu, W., Park, C.B., Randall, J., "Crystallization Kinetics of Linear and Long-Chain-Branched Polylactide", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50 (24), 13789–13798
  • (2009)
  1. Nofar, M., Hoa, S.V., Pugh, M.D., “Failure Detection and Monitoring in Polymer Matrix Composites Subjected to Static and Dynamic Loads Using Carbon Nanotube Networks”, Composites Science and Technology, 2009, 69 (10), 1599-1606
  2. Nofar, M., Madaah Hosseini, H.R., Kolagar N., “Fabrication of High Wear Resistance Al/Al3Ti Metal Matrix Composite by in Situ Hot Press Method”, Materials & Design, 2009, 30 (2), 280-286
  3. Abbasi Chiane, V., Madaah Hosseini, H.R., Nofar, M., “Micro Structural Features and Mechanical Properties of Al-Al3Ti Composite Fabricated by in-Situ Powder Metallurgy Route”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 473 (1&2), 127-132
  • (2008)
  1. Nofar, M., Madaah Hosseini, H.R., Shivayee, H.A., “The Dependency of Optical Properties on Density for Hot Pressed MgF2”, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2008, 51 (6), 546-549


Editör Aktiviteleri:

- Dergi Editörlükleri

  1. Journal of Renewable Materials
  2. Journal of Cellular Plastics
  3. International Journal of Material Science and Research

- Değerlendirme Editörlüğü

  1. Experimental Results Journal



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